After the snow
Spring and summer will be on the way soon enough (promise) and we have some great one-day adult courses to share with you.
First, imagine: peace, quiet and tranquility, hushed voices and soft, cool air; a stirring in the trees and the calling of solitary song birds in the early morning light...
Yes, our dawn chorus walk will take place on Saturday 27th April: don't worry about the time for now - just hear us out.
Pete Dwyer, local naturalist, bird-ringer and all-round knower of things bird, will lead a walk around the Daws Hall Nature Reserve taking in the species found in each habitat and

sharing a little of his knowledge. Followed by a hot cuppa in the education centre.
Don't forget, we'll all be wearing bed hair and gardening clothes, but this really is a beautiful way to start a spring day and well worth the effort. More information (including times) here.