Home Education at Daws Hall
We offer affordable, high quality sessions open to all home educated children on a flexible, pay per session basis. Our current programme of sessions focuses on a range of topics changing with the seasons. These are designed for children aged between 6 and 13 years old, in line with the key stage 2/3 curriculum. Summaries of upcoming sessions are below.
The cost per session is £8 per participating child. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
If necessary, siblings out of the session age range are permitted but there is a fee of £2.50 for each additional child.
For more information about our home education sessions, please contact the team via education@dawshallnature.co.uk
Wednesday 15th May 1-3pm - Minibeasts & Ponding
Join us for for some minibeast hunting and pond dipping. Find out about the creatures that live in our woodland and freshwater area. We will catch, identify and release with trays, bug pots and pond nets.
Wednesday 17th July 1-3pm - Bees, Birds & Pollination
Learn about flowers and how they are pollinated by various insects. Search the meadow and look for bees, beetles and butterflies. Then make your own insect hotel.
More sessions coming soon!